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2020 -2021 - 代表特拉维夫的 Mofet 学院就教育中的蒸汽主题进行思考小组。

2020 -2019 - MA 主任和政策系统教育特拉维夫大学。

2018 - 2017 年延长特殊教育认证莱温斯基教育学院。

2007-2017 - 贝特贝尔艺术学院 b,埃德-FA

2015-6 - 英语学习贝特贝尔。

2010 - 巴伊兰大学营养学研究。

2006 - 目前在巴伊兰大学学习。

2006 - 切割研究 在巴伊兰大学。

2004 - Maya 在曝光学校教授 3D 软件。

2000-2002 - 与 Tachlov 教授一起学习 - Saz 地中海音乐。

2000 年 - Grace 在 Bryce Computer School 网页设计专业毕业,获得优异成绩。

1999 - 布莱斯培训网络编程领域的研究。

1999 - 在巴伊兰大学地中海音乐系学习。

1991-1995 - 在Ramat Hasharon艺术学院学习高级艺术教师。

1988 年 - 在 Rimon 当代音乐学院学习。

1985 - 在阿什杜德完成了一所综合小学,主修生物学。


2012 - 音乐领域的 Rabinovich 基金会资助。

2010 - 鼓励创造基金会 - Acum。

2008 年 - 与教育部合作的鼓励教育计划基金会。

2008 - 奖项 Recanati - Chase - Rashi 给老师 开发商。

2006 年 - 发生剧院的金刺猬奖 - 年度作曲家在 Tmuna 剧院为芦荟创作音乐。

2004 - 她进入了视频剪辑比赛的决赛 特拉维夫电影中心的以色列人。

2003 - 她进入了视频剪辑比赛的决赛 第一个在芭比特拉维夫。


2021 - 以色列扫盲和语言协会多媒体和特殊教育会议讲师。​

2021 - 代表特拉维夫模范学院参加特殊教育和蒸汽教育会议的小组主席兼讲师。

2020 - 艺术。新鲜的油漆,参与一个为处于危险中的青年的秘密明信片项目。​

2016 - 在 On School 和 Kiryat Hinuch Urban Urban 7 协调和教授多媒体项目 - 联合视频项目

2017 - 开放工作室,艺术爱好者在特拉维夫做艺术。

2010-2017 - 雅法巷剧院艺术委员会成员。

2012 - 在特拉维夫的 Ilan 日间中心教授多媒体。

2011 - 多媒体部门协调员“On”学校 - 电影项目 - 特拉维夫电影中心的特拉维夫明信片。

2011 - 麦克风项目 - 由 ACUM 赞助的创建视听光盘的在线项目。

2010 - 在文化总监的支持下,在阿拉伯-希伯来剧院共同推出的“Hatikva”多媒体项目的艺术管理和音乐。

2010 - Ofer Amram 为疗养院 A 剧进行音乐编辑。

2010 - 为狗表演 Tmuna 剧院创作音乐 - 由 Ido Bernstein 创作。

2009 - 音乐编辑 对于家庭表演,哈比玛阅读节 由什洛莫·普莱斯纳执导。

2009 - 参加柏林金熊节 - 来自北京不同项目的实验视频。

2009 - 作曲和表演 埃德娜·布赫曼 (Edna Buchman) 歌曲中的一个晚上角色 Esti Zakheim 和 Ziona Patriot 的游戏。

2008 年 - 为 Tmuna 剧院的戏剧作曲 - 女性 由什洛莫·普莱斯纳执导的《特洛伊》。

2008 - 为特拉维夫电影中心的北京不同项目制作实验视频。

2007 - 由诗人 Edna Buchman 创作、处理和录制一张光盘。

2007 - 为 Ido Bornstein 的日出戏剧创作音乐 中国主屏升降节。

2007 年 - 在特拉维夫电影节上表演 - 一场电影音乐表演。  http://florentz.gfmai.com/sow.html

2007 年 - 在 Einav 学校中心为筹款晚会创作音乐和视频。  http://florentz.gfmai.com/sow.html

2007 - 创作音乐“Yes will break out” 在阿克剧院开幕前夕,由 Shlomo Plesner 执导,Habima 演员参与。

2007 - 为“锡兵”创作音乐 海法节上的儿童表演。

2007 - 为多媒体晚会“流浪的爱”创作音乐和视频艺术 Esti Zakheim 在 Cameri 的独奏表演。

2007 年 - 在 Tmuna 剧院演出并伴奏芦荟歌舞表演。

2006 - 在China House Screen Lifting 节上为玛雅沙雅海豚表演创作音乐。

2006 - 升级 音乐家 Yair Dalal 的网站  http://www.yairdalal.com/index.html

2006 - 为 Kfar Shmaryhu 的 On School 筹款晚会制作视频。

2006 年 - 在 Tmuna 剧院演出并伴奏芦荟歌舞表演。

2006 年 - 在 Escola Dimension 学校教授多媒体 - 高等艺术研究。

2006 - 为以色列国防军阵亡将士纪念日仪式创作视频艺术,Ramat Hasharon 地方议会。

2006 - 为 Anat Oz 创建视频剪辑 第 24 频道。

2006 - 为 Naomi Dalal 建立网站http://www.neomidalal.com/

2006 - Nana Disk 出版了一本数字书籍,一张结合了不同创作媒体(音乐、摄影、写作、  电脑及影像作品)  http://florentz.gfmai.com/

2006 - 表演 - 一本数字书籍,在音乐俱乐部和画廊的 Einav 中心将现场音乐与视频放映相结合的表演。

2005 - On School 儿童的音乐制作和唱片录制。

2005 - 为第 24 频道的 Ziv Ravitz 制作视频剪辑。

2005 - 为黄页网站创作音乐。

2005- 为歌舞表演创作音乐 - Tmuna 剧院的“芦荟”。

2005 - 为歌手 Ronit Roland 建立网站 - http://www.ronitrolland.com。

2004 - 音频出现 Tmuna 剧院 Intimadas 音乐节上的视觉(电子书)。 

2004 - 为音乐家 Yair Dalal 建立网站  http://www.yairdalal.com/index.html

2004 - 音频出现 霍隆的视觉(数字书籍)女性创意节和迪岑哥夫中心的 Soho 画廊。

  2004 - Masha Izbowelsky 为荷兹利亚民族主义博物馆的视频艺术作品制作配乐。

2003 - 为舞蹈作品制作配乐 “Beit Tamar” Tamar Gur Herman 的作品。

2003 - 为数字公司 Plus 建立网站 http://www.d-plus.co.il

2003 - 为女性创作者建立网站http://gfmai.com

2003 - 她进入了视频剪辑比赛的决赛 第一个在芭比特拉维夫。

2003 - 音频的出现 视觉的 一个艺术项目是我的语言——在海法和阿克里的一个阿拉伯-犹太人项目。

2003 - Ronit Ziv 为舞蹈作品进行声音编辑。

2003 年 - 为第 8 频道饥饿项目编辑声音视频艺术。

2003 - 为 Geula Cohen 授予以色列奖的仪式制作视频艺术。

2003 - 参加展览 - 节日 第一个女性视频 在康福特特拉维夫的音频工作中 视觉的。

2003- 为 Ramat Hasharon 的主要大屠杀纪念日仪式制作视频艺术。

2003 - 音频的外观 视觉的 在晚上通过达芙妮阿鲁德歌曲的女性。

2003 - 为歌手 Ronit Roland 建立一个比赛网站 - http://www.ronitrolland.com/

2003 - 为 Ran Kotzer 为第 8 频道和电影院的电影“恐同症的死因”创作音乐。

2002 - 更新并建立瑜伽和艺术中心网站 - http://within-without.com

2002 - 为 Sadi Carpentry 建立网站 -  www.nagarytsadi.com

2002 - 在 Tzahala 的 On School 建造一个结合了声音和视觉的多媒体工作室。

2002 - 在拜特莱辛为新导演 (Itzik Guli) 的音乐节上的戏剧创作音乐

2001 - 在佩塔提克瓦的本古里安旅教授和协调网站和多媒体课程。

2000 - 建立在线艺术画廊- art 4 you- www.art4you-gallery.com

2000 - 这些天是名为“Women Singing Soul”的乐队的一部分,正在录制一张唱片。 

2000 - 为以色列电视第二频道创作音乐,为电视连续剧 Eyal Halfon 的

       “你必须把它拍成电影”和 Ronit Weiss 的系列“阳光下的地方”,为 Eretz Israel art

2000- 1997-  “花”项目代表特拉维夫大学,学生发起。

2003- 1995- On School 受伤儿童班级美术老师和个人和声音部门协调员


1999 -        Shimi Hassan 的展览策展人,他是申金 Borochov 工作室 On School 的一名学生。

1999 -      在 Nahalat Binyamin 设计和销售灯具。

1997 - 1995 - 在 Yona Ben Yaakov 博士的诊所工作,参加团体艺术活动


1987-1991 - 特拉维夫申金唱片店 Allegro 爵士乐部主任。

1987- 教授生物学的替代品,Rogozin 高中,综合 C. Ashdod。  






Date of birth: 1.4.1967

Address: Dror 12, apartment 11, Jaffa

Cell phone: 054 7442333

Email: florentzgalit@gmail.com


2020-2021 - a think tank on steam in education on behalf of the Moft Tel Aviv Institute.

2019-2020 - M.A. Education Systems Management and Policy, Tel Aviv University.

2018 - 2017 expansion of special education certification Levinsky College of Education.

2007-2017 - Beit Berel art seminary b,Ed -FA

2015-6 - English studies at Beit Berel.

2010 - Nutrition studies at Bar Ilan University.

2006 - Full-time studies at Bar Ilan University.

2006 - Coaching studies at Bar Ilan University.

2004 - Learning Maya 3D software at an exposure school.

2000-2002 - studies with Professor Tahlov - Saz Mediterranean Music.

2000 - Studies at John Bryce School of Computers, web design, graduation with honors.

1999 - studies at John Bryce Internet programming training.

1999 - Studies in the Mediterranean Music Department at Bar-Ilan University.

1991-1995 - Studies at the Ramat Hasharon art seminary majoring in senior art teachers.

1988 - studies at the "Rimon" school for contemporary music.

1985 - Completion of Ashdod comprehensive elementary school with a major in biology.

​Awards and nominations:
2012 - Rabinovich Foundation grant in the field of music.

2010 - The Foundation for Encouraging Creativity - Acom.

2008 - The Fund for Encouraging Educational Initiatives in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

2008 - Rekanti - Chase - Rashi Award for the entrepreneur teacher.

2006 - Golden Hedgehog Award of the Happening Theater - Composer of the Year for writing music for Tamune Theater's Aloe Vera.

2004 - advanced to the finals of the Israeli video clips competition at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque.

2003 - She made it to the finals of the first video clip competition in Barbie Tel Aviv.
Work experience and contribution to the community:
2021 - Participation in the exhibition "Parts of Things" exhibition curator Iris Mendel. Beit Aryeh Klang, Ashdod.

2021 – Art. Fresh color, participation in the secret postcard project for at-risk youth

2021- Lecturer at the conference of the Israeli Literacy and Language Association on multimedia and special education

2021 - Chairman and lecturer on the panel at the conference on special education and steam education on behalf of the Moft Tel Aviv Institute.

2020 – art. Fresh color, participation in the secret postcard project for at-risk youth

2016 - Coordinates and teaches the multimedia major at On School and Kiryat School of Education Jaffa Urban 7th - joint video project

2017 - Open studio, art lovers make art in Tel Aviv.

2010-2017 - part of an artistic committee, the Jaffa Alley Theater.

2012 - teaches multimedia at the Yom Ilan Tel Aviv center.

2011 - Coordinator of the "On" school multimedia course - Cinema project - Tel Aviv postcard at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque.

2011 - Microphone project - an internet project to create an audio-visual CD under the auspices of Akum.

2010 - Artistic and music management for the multimedia project "Hatikva" which was staged together with the Arab-Hebrew Theater with the support of the Cultural Director.

2010 - Musical editing for Sanatorium, a play by Ofer Amram.

2010 - writing music for the show "Kalveim" at Tamune Theater - written by Ido Bernstein.

2009 - Musical editing for the Home Theater Reading Festival - directed by Shlomo Plesner.

2009 - Participation in the Berlin Golden Bear Festival - an experimental video from the Peking Different project.

2009 - Composition and performance - one with an Arab character from the songs of Edna Buchman, played by Esti Zakheim and Ziona Patriot.

2008 - Composition for the show at Temune Theater - The Trojan Women directed by Shlomo Plesner.

2008 - Creating an experimental video for the Peking Different project at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque.

2007 - Composing an arrangement and recording a CD by the poet Edna Buchman.

2007 - Writing music for Ido Borenstein's show Zariha, the festival of raising the curtain at home to China.

2007 - Performance at the Tel Aviv Cinematech Festival - a cinematic musical show. http://florentz.gfmai.com/sow.html

2007 - Writing music and video for a fundraising evening at the Einav Center for On School. http://florentz.gfmai.com/sow.html

2007 - Wrote the music "Yes Yaprotz" on the eve of the opening of the theater in Acre directed by Shlomo Plesner with the participation of the stage actors.

2007 - Writing music for "Hayal HaBadil" children's show at the Haifa festival.

2007 - Creating music and video art for a multimedia evening "Nadada Ahava" a solo show by Esti Zakheim in the chamber.

2007 - Plays and accompanies the Cabaret Elvera at the Tamune Theater.

2006 - Writing music for the show Dolphins by Maya Shaya Festival of raising the screen home to China.

2006 - Website upgrade for musician Yair Dalal http://www.yairdalal.com/index.html

2006 - Creating a video for a fundraising event for On School in Kfar Shmariahu.

2006 - Plays and accompanies the Cabaret Elvera at the Tamune Theater.

2006 - teaches multimedia at School Dimension - higher art studies.

2006 - Creation of video art for the Memorial Day ceremony for the fallen of the IDF, Ramat Hasharon Local Council.

2006 - Creating a video clip for Anat Oz for Channel 24.

2006 - Construction of a website for Naomi Dalal http://www.neomidalal.com/

2006- Publication of a digital book by Nene Disk, a disk that combines different creative media (music, photography, writing, computer and video works) http://florentz.gfmai.com/

2006 - Performances - digital book A performance that combines live music with video projections at the Einav center in music clubs and galleries.

2005 - Music production and CD recording by On school children.

2005 - Creating a video clip for Ziv Ravitz for Channel 24.

2005 - Writing music for Yellow Pages websites.

2005- Writing music for the cabaret show - "Alvera" at the Tamune Theater.

2005 - Construction of a website for the singer Ronit Roland - http://www.ronitrolland.com.

2004 - The audio-visual performance (digital book) at the Intimadas festival at the Tamune theater.

2004 - You built a website for the musician Yair Dalal http://www.yairdalal.com/index.html

2004 - The audio-visual performance (digital book) Women Creators Festival in Holon and Soho Gallery in Dizingoff Center.

2004 - I built a sound track for a video art work for the Nationalist Herzliya Museum Masha Yazbovalski.

2003 - I built a sound track for the dance work "Beit Tamar" the work of Tamar Gor Herm
2003 - Construction of a website for the Plus figures company http://www.d-plus.co.il

2003 - Building a website for creative women http://gfmai.com

2003 - she made it to the finals of the first video clip competition in Barbie Tel Aviv.

2003 - The audio-visual performance in the project "Art is my language" - a Jewish-Arab project in Haifa and Acre.

2003 - sound editing for a dance work by Ronit Ziv.

2003 - editing sound video art for Channel 8, the hunger project.

2003 - Making video art for the Israel Prize distribution ceremony for Geula Cohen.

2003 - Participation in the exhibition - the first video festival for women in Comfort Tel Aviv in the audio-visual work.

2003- Making video art for the central Holocaust Day ceremony of Ramat Hasharon.

2003 – The audio-visual performance in the evening through women from the songs of Dafna Erod.

2003 - You built a competition website for the singer Ronit Roland - http://www.ronitrolland.com/

2003 - Wrote music for Ran Kotzer's movie "The Cause of Death Homophobia" for Channel 8 and Cinematech.

2002 - Updated and built a website for the yoga and art center - http://within-without.com

2002 - You built a website for Sadi carpentry - www.nagarytsadi.com

2002 - You built a multimedia studio that combines sound and visual at On School in Tzalah.

2002 - Writing music for a play at a festival for new directors (Itzik Goli) at Beit Lesin

2001 - teaches and coordinates a website and multimedia construction course at the Ben Gurion Division in Petah Tikva.

2000 - You built an online art gallery - art 4 you - www.art4you-gallery.com

2000 - Part of the group called "Women Singing Soul" CD recording these days.

2000 - Writing music for the second channel of Israeli television, for the TV series of Eyal Halfon

"You have to make a movie out of it" and for Ronit Weiss' series "A place under the sun" for the art of Eretz Israel

2000- 1997- Project "Flower" on behalf of Tel Aviv University, student apprenticeship.

1995-2003- art teacher for classes and individually and coordinator of the sound course at On School for disabled children

Cerebral palsy in Shikon Dan in Tel Aviv.

1999 - Curator of an exhibition for Shimi Hasan, a student of On School, at Borochov Studio in Shenkin.

1999 -Designs and sells lamps in Nachalat Binyamin.

1997 - 1995 - works in the clinic of Dr. Yona Ben Yaakov in an artistic session for groups

and individually for both children and adults.

1987-1991 - manager of the jazz department at "Allegro" a record store in Shenkin, Tel Aviv.

1987- Teaching change of place Biology Rogozin Comprehensive High School C Ashdod.

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